Post Malone - Congratulations ft. Quavo
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Love it great
Eres el mejor
The thing is JUST WOW!
i love tis film
Happy Birthday DRAKE <3 You have achieved symbiosis.
This music get an Oscar award love uu DRAKE from india
This song was a damn good
This is my favourite one!
This is such a vibe
This rap has so much influential power that even dogs would dance on this
This is my favorite song and still is today 5 years later :
This song still slaps to day
Love this song
Music is Real really feel these kind of energys crazy vibes
Na espera do próximo filme VENOM
I swear Dr says “manevolent
My mind achieved symbiosis with this song
Superman and now Venom. Just Drake works with Marvel and DC….. RAP GOD!!!
Why can’t I stop watching this
This rap has so much influential power that even dogs would dance on this
Man hearing this makes me really feel the 19 inches of venom!!
2nd verse knock knock! India !! Bro just went God mode!
Lyrics: I got a song filled with shit for the strong-willed When the world gives you a raw deal Set you off ’til you Scream
I’m glad that this is it’s own music video and it doesn’t have snippets from the movie
THIS SONG IS TOO FIRE i want it in spider-man 3!
Still lovely this song in 2024
Typical.. You’re having a normal and relaxed day and then all suddenly you got possessed by Drake
Today an still bumping this classic
Still on fire what type duck rap God is this
Wsg y’all for the people who’s still listen to this song it’s fire beat will never end
This gotta be in venom 3
Damn what will happen ifPost Malone and Marvel Combined
Best video clip for soundtrack ever. Best soundtrack ever. Great Job.
How is this still a fucking banger
Love from India
This is one of my favorite Post Malone ai songs
This song is still good
Next year will be our 6th anniversary! It’s a pleasure!
Praying for post.
The transfer from fall to this video is amazing
I listen to this song when I’m angry
to the humans that read this. it would be cool if eminem went on hot ones sean is super good. and i hope someday he goes so that we can have a good interview to remember him by even more than already. thank you and also a slice of time.
2023 Still masterpiece
Ladies and Gentlemans we are all waiting for Venom 2.
I showed this to Venom Now he’s slim shady
Slick master dropping double digits on your phat ear drums. Immortal funkalistic!
I love this music